Ernest The Magnifico comes to Europe. We present you the crazy comedy “Rockin ‘Stunt Show” by the charming Australian Chippendale among the stuntmen: Ernest The Magnifico. “Dangerous” stunts, acrobatics, slapstick, a pogo stick and power racing car and above all hilarious humor in a show of 30-45 minutes to remember.
“Ernest performed a hilarious show. Young and old enjoyed it, and some of the participants in the performance did things they had thought impossible before ”- Hans Van Oosterhoudt – Slottuintheater, Zeist.
Professor Bubbles
Soap bubbles with charm! Professor Bubbles has escaped from the lab to make his dream come true: soap bubble shows for everyone with the biggest and most dazzling bubbles.
His interactive soap bubble art takes everyone into a sparkling fantasy. In a charming, extravagant comedy with fantastic effects, the professor makes every event foam and sparkle!
From a children’s show to a festival show, from a 5 minute show to a workshop. Ever been in the middle of a giant bubble yourself? Or presented your product in a bubble?
Best of all, Professor Bubbles doesn’t keep his knowledge to himself. You too can learn how to make big soap bubbles.
Even on a large stage, Professor Bubbles presents surreal bubble effects with light and music in a comic and magical show without words.